My daughter Eva is 7 years and 7 months old. I remember the moment I met her, it felt as if I had known her my whole life. She was the most beautiful little thing I ever saw and all she wanted to do was lay on my chest. It was heavenly. And I remember thinking, "oh how I wish she would stay this little forever!" She grew though and fortunately I became more and more enamored with her, which was seemingly impossible at every step. Each time I would notice these new and amazing things about her and each time I would say to my self, "oh, how I wish she would stay this little forever!" Darn that girl, she keeps growing up in front of my eyes!
A few weeks ago, we had a really warm day in the higher 80's and I knew it would be the last one. So after school I thought a photo shoot was in order to celebrate the last warm day of the year. Eva was excited at first, but when I found the right spot, she wanted to play with the grass and rocks and pick black berries and NOT be my model. So I went with that. Because before I know it, she won't think that our adventures are the best thing ever.
The picture below isn't the best portrait I snapped that night; but to me, it really captures the part of her that I wish would stay. That "little" part that is eventually going to slip away.
There are many more very sweet "let them be little" photos at iheartfaces. You can get there here: